Release date: Wednesday 7th August 2019
From this version, WorkWithPlus will be compatible with GeneXus U5 Preview.
A new property option was included in WorkWithPlus Settings -> Transaction Template -> Transaction --> Event & Subs
By using this property, you will be able to define the "Tag" that will be wrapping the defined code block. For example, you can use a "web" tag in order to add code related to controls within the form.
In the following link, you can read further information about Event Blocks
By using this property, the code added by Simple Security will be wrapped by "web" tags so it will only be considered when objects are called in web mode.
By using this property you will be able to align the grid's title with a different value from the items within the rows of the grid.
When having the property "Column selector Type" in FreeStyleGrid and a GUID column on the Grid it throws an error while specifying.
The "PrepareTransaction" sub within Tabular Tab in Views uses variables that are never assigned.
When having a "Split Screen" selection and a Standard Action "Update" at runtime, it shows "New" as the tab caption.
When you don't have predefined operators for one data type on WorkWithPlus Settings and you try to add an operator in one instance, it doesn't add the operator.
When having a Date column with Floating Labels, in Edge Browser it doesn't move the label as desired.
When having a grid where "Edit in Line" is enabled, the actions "Update" and "Delete" are not being properly hidden according to the user's permissions.
When assigning by code the "Collapsed" property in a DVelopBoostrapPanel, the behavior is not being properly assigned.
When defining the Standard Action "Cancel" to use a "Font Icon" (instead of an image), the action doesn't show the desired font at runtime and it keeps using the previous image.
When having an attribute with a DVelop Combo in the Transaction object, in the View object that attribute doesn't show the "Item description" but its "Item Value".
When creating a new web panel, bassed on "Prompt Multiple" template and selecting an SDT, an error was thrown and the prompt wasn't properly generated.