Release date: Monday 13th May 2019
A new property named 'Cell Borders' was added for 'Table' nodes when generating PDF Reports. This property gives to developer an easy way of adding inner borders to tables:
The Node 'Line' now is supported inside grid printblocks. This allows developers to add vertical lines that separates columns of a grid:
In WorkWithPlus Settings -> Template node, for property 'Optimization Number' we add a new value: 5, which includes:
- For property 'Description Width' of an attribute or variable, it will set the property 'Label Width' with the selected value, instead of creating a Table with 2 columns, a Textblock at the left and the attribute with 'Label Position' none at the right (this is what is done in previous versions of WorkWithPlus (or with 'Optimization Number' 4 or less).
- For property 'Description Position' of an attribute or variable with value 'Top', it will set the property 'Label Width" with value 100% for all sizes. In previous versions of WorkWithPlus (or with 'Optimization Number' 4 or less), it creates a Table with 2 rows, a TextBlock for the label an the attribute with 'Label Position' none.
A new property named 'Action Condition Check' was added in WorkWithPlus Settings -> 'Actions' node. This property specifies whether the code that checks the condition of the action will be added only when the action is loaded ('On Load' value), or will also check the condition at the moment of clicking in the action ('On Load and User Event' value).
A new property named 'Generate Grid Actions as Links' was added within WorkWithPlus Settings -> 'Actions' node. This property specifies whether the code associated to the actions inside the grid will be generated as a link or as an event, and the options are:
- Always: it will generate a link in all actions inside a grid that have an associated GXObject
- Actions without conditions: it will generate a link only in the actions that have associated GXObject and do not have conditions set.
- Never: for all the actions inside grid that have a GXObject, it will generate an event with the call to that object.
A new property named 'Action Security Check' was added for actions in both security scenarios: Advanced Security and GAM. This property specifies whether the code that checks the security will be added only when the action is loaded ('On Load' value), or will also check the security at the moment of clicking in the action ('On Load and User Event' value). It is recommended to use 'On Load and User Event' value, for security reasons.