Release date: Tuesday 26th March 2019
When having all the attributes of a selection with "Include Title Filters" in false and you change the sorted state of a column, the icon of the header it isn't updated
When adding a User Control node in some instance, the combo box which displays the possible User Controls to add does not include the User Controls 2.0.
For the Sidebar Menu User Control, which is the vertical menu used by WorkWithPlus in all the Design Systems that have a vertical menu, some issues were solved and some other improvements were made.
- After clicking in one option which open a form, the menu was always being refreshed.
- After clicking in one option which open a form, it didn't leave open the submenu where the option was clicked
- Now you will have always visible the selected option, because the menu moves up to that option when you have vertical scroll
- Scroll for menu when it is collapsed.
This property allows you to configure the location where the generated Excel files will be saved, if using an External Storage Provider or save them locally in the server. The value '<default>' means that will be with the same value of the property 'Storage Provider' of the current environment.
For KBs which were working with WorkWithPlus in versions 12.13 or prior, and want to save the exported files using External Storage Provider, it is necessary to import a procedure named 'WWP_StorageProvider_GetFilePath' which is inside <GeneXusPath>\Packages\Patterns\WorkWithPlus\Resources\WorkWithResources.xml. It is important to unmark everything but this procedure, in order to import just this procedure
This property specifies whether the option to clear a filter within dynamic filters will be allways visible, or dynamic.
- Dynamic: is the behavior of the clear button of dynamic filters of versions 14.13 or prior. The clear button is visible in the rows where the option to add a filter dynamically is not present
- Always: the filter will always have the clear button, no matter if the option to add a filter is present or not
This property specifies the name of the CSV file that is generated by the StandardAction ExportCSV. In this property you can set a fixed value, use the tags <TRN_NAME>, <OBJECT_NAME>, or call a procedure which returns the name of the file.
The option to display the columns in the drop down list in the same order as they appear in the grid was added. For new KBs, or KBs which you didn´t run the Design System Wizard yet, this option will be set as default. If you have a KB which you already use WorkWithPlus, and you want this option you will need to import some objects.
Scenario 1: KB with WorkWithPlus already applied, saving the selected columns in database and you want to have backward compatibility with the columns that the end users have selected before
- Import the XML named "ColumnsSelectorMantainColumnsOrderBackwardCompatibility.xml" that is in: <GeneXus_Installation>\Packages\Patterns\WorkWithPlus\Resources
- Make Tools -> WorkWithPlus -> Apply All WorkWithPlus Pattern Instances
- Run the application
Scenario 2: KB with WorkWithPlus already applied but you don´t save the selected columns in database, or don´t care about what end users have selected before with the columns, or this application was never on production yet:
- Import the XML named "ColumnsSelectorMantainColumnsOrder.xml" that is in: <GeneXus_Installation>\Packages\Patterns\WorkWithPlus\Resources
- Make Tools -> WorkWithPlus -> Apply All WorkWithPlus Pattern Instances
- Run the application
When enabling the feature mentioned before (mantain the order of the columns of the grid in the drop down of the Columns Selector), there was an important reduce of the code generated in the Selection events and in the Export to Excel procedure. For example, in a Selection which has 10 columns, in 12.13 or prior versions there were 189 lines of code generated for this feature. In version 12.14 and mantaining order of columns, it will only generate 47 lines of code. This means a reduce of 75% of the generated lines of GeneXus code.
The following properties weren't visible in the main table of 'Intermediate Subor Level' and 'Leaf Subor Level' within WorkWithPlus Settings -> Transaction template
- Cell Width (Extra Small)
- Cell Width (Small)
- Cell Width (Medium)
- Cell Width (Large)
When running the Design System Wizard and selecting these three things simultaneously, an error is displayed and the process does not conclude satisfactorily
- Menu: Horizontal with style Mega
- Menu Load: at runtime
- Security: Advanced Security
When you set to a variable which is an element of an SDT in the instance, the 'Control Info' as 'Custom' and you select 'Control Type' as 'DVelop Combo' it throws an error at the moment of applying the pattern. The same happens if the variable is an element of a Business Component.
The GridState was not being cleared after making logout, so when some user logged in, navigate through the application and the make logout the state of the grid (filters, columns, etc) was what the first user selected and configured.
When having a column of the grid with the characters '(', ')' in its description of the column, the columns selector did not work and it was not possible to make it visibile or hidden. This issue occurred only generating Java.
The possiblity to use the tag '<ATT_NAME>' in the definition of an operator was added. This allows you to create one operator for null values, empty values, or some other special operator. The following image displays an example of it:
If you have a variable with read only False in a subor grid the following warning appear in the specification:
warning spc0130: Use accept rule with level for variable &<Variable> (Transaction '<Trn>', Details)
When having set default filters as Full Text Filter and doing "Convert: WorkWith->WorkWithPlus" it throws an exception.
When having a code block on the template selection in the export section it throws an error while applying the pattern on a selection based on SDT
When you have a step with a variable which have 'Control Type' as 'DVelop Combo', and that step is included automatically in the Summary Step, an error is thrown.
In this scenario, the filters in columns of type 'Date' were wrong because they assume that this property has the value 'Language Dependant'. In order to solve this if this is your case, you need to create a procedure named 'WWP_CharToDate' and define there the result of the CTOD for the title filters.
We have added the possibility to add out parameters for prompts. In order to do this, we added the following property:
- 'Default Prompt Parameter Type' in WorkWithPlus Settings -> Template node: specifies the default value for the property 'Type' of the parameters of the prompt objects.
And we added a new value to the property 'Type' within each parameter node of the prompt object, which is 'Out'.
When you use Conditional Formatting of type Row and Column together in a Web Panel NOT Selection with a grid based on an SDT, WorkWithPlus does not add the associated code to assign the class correspondent to the condition.
The DVelop Combo was not expanding to the 100% of the width of the screen in extra small browsers.
Some cosmetic issues were solved in the Material Pro Design System.