Release date: Friday 21st June 2019
A new method "Update" was included within the Dropdown that let the user update the title and icon of the control.
A new property option was included in WorkWithPlus Settings -> Template -> User Controls Compatibility: "Responsive (Based on container type)".
This property causes the User Controls added by WorkWithPlus to be added directly in the Abstract Layout . In this way, the generated form will be lighter.
From this version, when running the Design System Wizard, the generated instances will use the new value.
This property only works in GeneXus 16
When having 2 or more pages on a selection, if you go to the second page, and in that page, you delete records (enough records to change the number of pages of the grid), when you return to the selection, the pagination bar still displays "Page 2 of 1".
If you have column filters and the property "Allow Column Selector" in True and the property "Send Grid State to procedures" in "By Parameters" it's generated an error when saving the transaction.
When having a DVelop Combo using an attribute based on a GUID, the combo box doesn't work as desired.
When having a "Multi-Row" action in a Selection object with "MultiRowActionsMantainingPaging" = "True" based on a Transaction with multiple Primary Key, the for each used to load the records (Sub 'LoadSelectedRows') is not optimized by GeneXus (does not do a 'For First')
When having a message in the Start Event, the message is not properly displayed at runtime with the desired look&feel.
When enabling auditing in a transaction with a BlobFile attribute, it is parsed to string and generates an error when saving the transaction.
When having a form with attributes having "Floating Label" and an attribute that has a Unique index defined, if we "do tab", the floating label does not move up so it does not allow us to see what we are inserting in the field.