Release date: Friday 18 January 2019
Some memory leeks using WorkWithPlus were fixed.
Some issues Floating Label cases were fixed.
The problem that occurred in GeneXus 16 U1 was fixed. The issue was that in some cases the checkbox label was not correctly aligned.
The problem that occurred when having a different language of English was solved. The issue was that the Date Format property of the object always come with English format.
The property "Condition casing" of the filters now is took in account in "FullTextFilter"
The problem that occurred when having an attribute of a "selection" with control type in Dynamic Combo Box was solved. The issue was that an error was shown when applying the pattern.
The problem that occurred when having fixed filters and inside a filter of a date attribute with a range operator was solved. The issue was that a variable was not defined in Export procedure making compilation errors.
The problem that occurred when using the DVImageZoom user control on an image and changing the web page, the image it is still in the page.
The issue that occurred when doing update instance of a SplitScreen with tabs selection was solved. The issue was that the template was changed to SplitScreen without tabs.
The issue that occurred when using Font Awesome 4 was solved. The issue was the fonts were not deployed correctly.