Release date: Thursday, 23 November 2023
The following feature was added in WorkWithPlus 15 Upgrade #2.5:
First Day Of Week in WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile Calendar
AI intent-based navigation major improvements: This version allows filtering by all available filters for list objects (until version 15 Update #2.4, only 'Title Filters' were considered). Some optimizations were also made in order to produce better results (this will be automatically imported into the knowledge base after applying the Pattern to any object).
Issue 12998
When creating a default List panel with a View panel, the Update and Delete actions on the 'General' tab of the View panel do not work correctly if GAM is enabled in the Knowledge Base. The following message is displayed when a tap is made on one of those actions: "Action is no longer available"
Issue 12997
When disabling the AI Module in the first step, and then navigating to the Master Page step, an error was displayed in the Wizard.
Issue 12994
When having a List object with the property ''Transaction Level Name" set with a subor level, the AIData object has some specification errors (attribute not instantiated...)
Issue 12995
When loading a Web Page created with WorkWithPlus in an iFrame from an external site (site of different origin), the following error appears in the browser debugging console:
DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "..." from accessing a cross-origin frame.
Issue 12987
When running the Impact Metadata process, all the GAM Events are deleted, including the ones that aren't created by the pattern.This version allows filtering by all available filters for list objects (until version 15 Update #2.4, only 'Title Filters' were considered). Some optimizations were also made that produce better results (this will be automatically imported in the knowledge base after applying the Pattern to any object).