Version 15 Upgrade #2

This article is an overview of WorkWithPlus for Web and Native Mobile Version 15 Upgrade #2 features and what needs to be considered to adopt it. You can read more about our release process in WorkWithPlus Release Process

Version 15 Upgrade #2 was released on October 18th, 2023.


You can download the version from


This upgrade includes new options and customizations during the Design System Wizard in order to have more options to create your applications. With this new version, you can create Dynamic Forms, add intent-based navigation to your application taking advantage of AI, and much more.


This version is compatible with GeneXus 18 Upgrade 0 and higher.


For Web environments, you should follow the steps explained in Update your KB to WorkWithPlus for Web 15 Upgrade #2

For Native Mobile environments, you should follow the steps explained in Update your KB to WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile 15 Upgrade #2

Are you ready? On this page, you will be able to learn about the new features, and how to adopt this new version! If you want to learn even more, you can go on with our Quick Start Guide