MSBuild Tasks

Available from WorkWithPlus for Web 15 Upgrade #2.2


WorkWithPlus allows you to run the following tasks using MSBuild:


Applies all the instances of the opened Knowledge Base.


Updates all the instances of the opened Knowledge Base. This process applies to each instance after updating it, so it is NOT necessary to make 'Apply all instances' after 'Update all instances'.


Marks all instances as updated of the opened Knowledge Base.


Runs the process 'Impact metadata for Web and Native Mobile'. It is necessary to execute the RUN task of the object 'WWPBaseObjects.WWP_ImpactMetadata' after it to update the database.


In the following project example, a KB is opened, and you can visualize how to run the tasks mentioned above (you can copy the code). 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">

    <GXPath />
    <KBPath />

  <Import Project="$(GXPath)\Genexus.Tasks.targets" />
  <Import Project="$(GXPath)\Packages\Patterns\WorkWithPlus\DVelop.WorkWithPlus.Tasks.targets" />

  <Target Name="TestMSBuild">    
    <OpenKnowledgeBase Directory="$(KBPath)" />
    <WWP_ApplyAllInstances />

    <WWP_UpdateAllInstances />

    <WWP_MarkAllInstancesAsUpdated />

    <WWP_ImpactMetadata />
    <Run Build="true" BuildCalled="true" ForceRebuild="false" ObjectName="WWPBaseObjects.WWP_ImpactMetadata" />


As you can visualize in the project mentioned above, in order to run these MSTasks you need to import the WorkWithPlus targets, which you can download from the following link. This file has to be located in the WorkWithPlus folder within the installation of GeneXus
