First Day Of Week in WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile Calendar

A new feature was added, which allows you to define the first day of the week shown in the calendar in WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile 15 Upgrade #2.5 onwards.

The First Day Of Week property is available in the SDPlusCalendar User Control.


It works on iOS and Android.

Android limitation:
On Android, once the User Control is displayed on the screen, in order for the calendar to be completely updated, the panel must be called again so that the calendar is redrawn with the new first day of the week defined.

It can be defined at:

  • Design time: After choosing the First Day Of Week, it is not necessary to perform any further action for it to be displayed correctly.
  • Run time:

    For iOS, you can define it in any Event or Subroutine.

    For Android, it is only possible to change it from the Start or ClientStart event, so when you first enter the panel.

An example, to change the first day on Android at run time and have it displayed correctly:

Define the Global Event:

Then, add a VarChar type variable in which you can load them in different ways, in this case we will do it in a Dynamic Combo Box with a Data Provider that has the days of the week.



Remember to add the variables to the panel parameters so that when the calendar is redrawn, it has the previously chosen value.