Issues Resolved (v15 Upgrade #2.9)

Release date: Friday, 6 March, 2024

Unable to change from "Events (by WorkWithPlus)" editing tab to other editing tab without saving

Issue 13023

In some specific scenarios, the developer was not able to change from the "Events (by WorkWithPlus)" editing tab to other editing tab without saving. The following error is shown in the GeneXus Output when the developer clicks on any other tab and the editor is not changed:

The code generated by WorkWithPlus cannot be modified manually

Additionally, in some cases (Transaction objects only) the <*EMPTY-> text is added to some events and needs to be removed manually.

Invalid sidebar menu behavior when clicking a menu option after searching for it with menu search

Issue 12946

When having the sidebar menu with menu search enabled, if the user clicks over an indented option after searching for it, the page displays correctly, but if the user tries to collapse the group of the selected option, the group does not collapse.

Issue with Data sections Underline and Card with elevation

Issue 13034

Data editing box, underline option did not work correctly when chosen from the Design System Wizard.
Data section boxing is always configured for 'Card with elevation' even if another option is chosen.