Issues Resolved (v15 Upgrade #2.12)

Release date: Friday, 17 May 2024

Grid with 'Infinite scrolling (grid scroll bar)' and many columns

Issue 13050

When having a List object that contains a Grid with vertical lines and 'Paging Type = Infinite scrolling (grid scroll bar)' and many columns, in some scenarios when more rows are loaded, the grid style gets corrupted.

Highlight the menu option in a 'Horizontal menu' when an inner option is clicked

Issue 13048

When having a KB with the Horizontal Menu and an option of a second or third level is clicked, the main option of the Menu is not highlighted.

This issue was fixed and a method ResetSelectedOption() was added to the Horizontal Menu control.

Action icons are hidden when zooming in list with fixed columns

Issue 13040

When having a List with fixed columns on the left (e.g. the actions), if the user zooms in the browser, when the zoom is 125% or more, the last row actions are hidden.

Action Group of type 'DVelop Combo' inside Free Style Grid hidden on a user action event

Issue 13042

When having an Action Group of type 'DVelop Combo' and an action inside a Free Style Grid, if in the action event, the Action Group is hidden, the second time the action is clicked, it does not work correctly.

Date format of "AI Intent-based Navigation" in Spanish

Issue 13045

When having the "AI Intent-based navigation" enabled in a Spanish Knowledge Base, if a query that involves a Date is done, the Date format is assumed to be English format (MM/DD/YYYY).

Update of moment.js library used by WorkWithPlus date picker

Issue 13049

The library used by the WorkWithPlus date picker was updated to its last released version (moment.js 2.30.1)

List with variable parameter and CalcGrpTot procedure

Issue 13044

When having a List that contains a variable as a parameter and also has 'Group Type = Fixed' and a totalizer column, the procedure <List>CalcGrpTot does not receive the variable as a parameter (and may have a condition that mentions it).

Edit "Column Widths" of Grid layout (Freestyle grid)

Issue 13047

When having a Freestyle grid and editing the "Column Widths" property of the "Grid layout" node (Table type = Smart Table or Freestyle grid with "Descriptions as header = True", the following error is shown:

The table must have at least one column to edit their widths.

Workaround: write the value manually in the property without pressing the edit button.