Issues Resolved (v15 Upgrade #2.1)

Release date: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Issue with GAM full backend and title on the pages

Issue 12976

When running the Design System Wizard selecting GAM with full backend and the titles on the pages, an error is thrown when trying to import the objects.

Issue with Italian Language and Dynamic Forms Module

Issue 12974

When trying to include the Dynamic Forms Module in Italian, an error is thrown when importing the objects.

Issue with Notifications and Subscriptions module together with the Dynamic Forms Module and no security

Issue 12975

When trying to import the Notifications and Subscriptions module together with the Dynamic Forms Module with no security, an error is thrown when importing the objects.

'Group Type' property in grids of List with multiple views

Issue 12969

When having a List with multiple views, the property "group type" of the regular Grids is not shown

Action with 'Confirm = True' inside a grid of a List with multiple views

Issue 12970

When having an action with the "Confirm = True" inside a grid of a List with multiple views, some errors are shown when applying the Pattern.

Apply WorkWithPlus to a Panel when WorkWithPlus for Web has Advanced Security (Native Mobile)

Issue 12955

When having a Knowledge Base with WorkWithPlus for Web initialized with "Security = Advanced Security" and also have Native Mobile initilized, when the Pattern is applied to a SDPanel a call to the WebPanel NotAuthorized is added to the Start Event.

Drop Down Action Group with Standard Action as a popup inside a Free Style Grid

Issue 12936

When having a Card List with a Drop Down Action Group (inside the Free Style Grid) that includes a Standard Action as popup, the Action Group does not work correctly.

'Create from current layout' with BC variables

Issue 12931

When having a Web Panel created without WorkWithPlus that includes variables based on a Business Component in its layout, if you create the WorkWithPlus instance using the functionality 'Create from the current Panel layout...', the following error is shown:

Unknown eDBType: GX_BUSCOMP (DVelop.Patterns.WorkWithPlus)

Extended Combo with User Code and "Add record option" in WebPanel with BC

Issue 12927

When having a Web Panel with a BC and setting one of its attributes with an Extended Combo with User Code and "Add record option", it does not work correctly at runtime.

Multiples layouts in Panel based on List template (Native Mobile)

Issue 12899

When trying to add multiple layouts to a Panel that is based on a List template, the following errors are shown when applying the Pattern:


========== Pattern generation (WorkWithPlusPanel1) started ==========

error: Unable to cast object of type 'DVelop.Patterns.WorkWithPlus.LayoutElement' to type 'DVelop.Patterns.WorkWithPlus.IGeneratedObject'