Release date: Tuesday, 9 April, 2024
Issue 13024
When having defined in the WorkWithPlus settings a global variable that applies to all Transaction templates, if the pattern is applied to a Transaction with "Data access = Service layer" the variable is not defined in the generated "Data object"
Issue 13025
When having an Extended Combo over FK in Transaction configured with a dynamic condition configured manually in some cases the Insert mode "for each" does not include a necessary condition.
This happens when the FK has multiple keys, for example, CountryId/CityId, and the extended combo configured manually to CityId should filter the country, and in the Insert mode, in the "for each" this condition is not included. This means that if users access the Transaction with CountryId and CityId instantiated (for example, accessing from a GridTab), the City title may not be correct.
Issue 13032
When having a Transaction with more than one level and in a sublevel its name differs from its Type property (typically when reverse engineering is used) some error occurs when applying the Pattern.
Issue 13031
When having the AI module enabled and a List object that does not have the Insert Standard Action enabled, List objects include automatic redirection to all Standard Actions (Insert, Update and Delete) regardless of whether they are enabled or not in each List object.
Issue 13033
When having a Knowledge Base that has the AI module and it is enabled in more than 600 instances, the following error appears when compiling in Net Core:
...\wwp_aigetlistdata.cs(2879,32): error CS8078: An expression is too long or complex to compile C:\Models\Storetek_V1b\NETSQLServer001\build\\
Issue 13035
When having a 'Web Component' List object that includes the NaturalLanguageQuery action, the AI object is not added to WWP_AIGetListData procedure and the NaturalLanguageQuery action does not work correctly.
Issue 13037
When having the WorkWithPlus AI module enabled over a Transaction inside a module, the following error appears at runtime:
"No ListData found for: <ModuleName>_<ListName>