Issues Resolved (v15 Upgrade #2)

Grid Title Categories translations

Issue 12968

When having a Knowledge Base with multiple languages and adding the "Title Category" functionality to a Grid, its category titles do not allow translations.

Workaround: add the following like for each category title:

Grid_TitlesCategories.GridTitlesCategories = StrReplace(Grid_TitlesCategories.GridTitlesCategories, !'<Category title 1>', '<Category title 1>')

Vulnerabilities in third-party Bootstrap-Select control

Issue 12966

The Bootstrap-Sselect control was updated to the latest version as it contained a security vulnerability in some of its features. The feature of the control that contained the vulnerability was not used by WorkWithPlus, but we decided to upgrade it anyway. This control is used in the Action Groups inside a grid.

List with multiple views and Dynamic Filters with dynamic operators

Issue 12961

When having a List with Multiple Views and at least 2 dynamic filters with dynamic operators, an error is shown when applying the pattern.

Update instance of Instance with two customized Components

Issue 12959

When having an Instance that contains two customized Components inside it (that both contain a template variable named Value), the Update Instance process moves both Variables to the same Component.

CopyRecord does not instantiate the Extended Combos

Issue 12918

When executing the CopyRecord action of a List, if the Transaction contains Extended Combo attributes, they are not instantiated with the value of the copied record.

Grid Title Category in Transaction in display mode

Issue 12938

When setting the Grid Title Category on items in a grid in a Transaction and navigating to the Transaction in Display mode, it does not work correctly.

Refresh Standard Action (Native Mobile)

Issue 12942

When adding a Refresh Standard Action to a Panel, the following error is shown when applying the Pattern:

error: Event 'Refresh' referenced by control BtnRefresh does not exist. (Panel 'PanelActionsGroup', BtnRefresh).

Copy Record with GUID key

Issue 12965

When having a Transaction with an Attribute of type GUID as its key, the CopyRecord action of the list does not work correctly.

Event block with "Add To Instance By Default= false" in Tabular Tab Template

Issue 12863

When having an Event block with "Add To Instance By Default= false" in a Tabular Tab Template, the Event block is added to the default instance and it should not. The same error occurs with Event block in Grid Tab Templates and Association Templates

Search history management on the sidebar menu

Issue 12861

The search menu options included on the side bar menu show the input history and should not.

Property "Always use Column Title property" of WorkWithPlus Settings

Issue 12854

The property "Always use Column Title property" of 'WorkWithPlus Settings -> Grid' does not work when set to True. In the attributes of the List objects, their descriptions are being established with the value '=Attribute.Context Title' instead of '=Attribute.Column Title'.

Default Title filter with 'empty' option over a Dynamic Combo attribute

Issue 12855

When having a numeric attribute set as Dynamic Combo in a list object, the default Title Filter generated by WorkWithPlus produces a specification error if the 'Empty' options are enabled (WorkWithPlus Settings -> Filters -> Include empty option in Title Filter)