Native Mobile Insert Filters (version 7 or lower)

This feature allows the user to quickly insert filters on any panel.

Currently allowed filters include:

  • 'Choice' filters: This kind of filter will present the user with some UI element that represents the filter (a label, a button, image, chip), which can be selected/pressed. When such action is performed, the refresh will be fired, allowing the programmer to catch the parameter and use it to filter the data.


Filter Customizations:


Choice filter UI

The user can choose the look and feel of the filters, by selecting any of the predefined styles:

  • Tabs: Filters with a 'Tab' look and feel
  • Labels: Simple labels used as filters
  • Buttons Labels: Filters with a 'Button' look and feel

Filter position and orientation

Filters can be placed inside the selected table, at any of the following positions:

  • Horizontal, Top
  • Horizontal, Bottom
  • Vertical, Left
  • Vertical, Right

Filter count and descriptions

The user can customize how many filters will be generated, and the caption for any of them



After the filters are customized and accepted, WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile will update the Panel's layout and its events to allow this feature.

By default, data is not filtered. The user must enter the required code, which will depend on the particular data structures used.

nativemobile_editor_filters_layout   nativemobile_editor_filters_events 



Some examples of horizontal 'Tabs' at the top and 'Buttons' vertical left position:

nativemobile_filter_tabs_top          nativemobile_filter_left_buttons