Native Mobile Font Icons (version 7 or lower)

The hierarchical editor can now be used to include Font Icons on any panel. Font Icons are vectorial icons, that are distributed using a Font, instead of using regular .png/.jpeg or even vectorial formats as .svg.

There are several font icon libraries available, many of them are free, in WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile 7 we allow users to include 2 specific libraries:

To add any font icon simply right click the hierarchical editor at the table where you want to add the icon, and select "Add -> Font Icon" to include a simple icon, or "Add -> Font Icon Action"


A dialog will ask the user for the icon information:

  • Icon Library: Choose any of the available icons libraries
  • Icon "Hex Code": Enter the icon code.
  • Size: Only available in regular Font Icons
  • Style: Only available in Actions, defines the visual style of the icon
  • Color: Choose any of the available colors

NativeMobile_Editor_FontIcons_Form  NativeMobile_Editor_FontIcons_FormAction

After the user confirms, WorkWithPlus will add the necessary items in the layout, and code in the events section.



Please Note that even if the layout displays the font icon "hex code", in runtime, you will see the icon instead:
