WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile 7 Online Training

About this course

This course introduces you to WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile so you will learn the main features of WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile, how to use them and the best practices.

This course is intended for developers who already know the GeneXus´s basics concepts. You need not have programming experience to take this training.

In this course, you'll have to do hands-on exercises to gain experience with WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile. 

The training provides a step-by-step explanation of how to create a mobile app using SmartDevicesPlus and GeneXus 16 using .NET  and SQLServer. If you are using another generator (Java) or DBMS, the steps are quite similar. 

During this startup, you will find quick explanations about each feature and exercise in order to try them! If you need further information about each feature you will find links where you can learn more.

If you perform the hands-on exercises, this course will take you approximately 10 hours to complete.

The Challenge

In this training, we are going to create an App for a supermarket where we can insert, modify and delete products. We will be able to visualize each product with images, description and generate charts showing different data.


Before we start

For this training you will need:

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