WorkWithPlus AI Settings

After you run the Design System Wizard enabling AI Module in the KB, a new node will be added in WorkWithPlus for Web Settings, so that you can set the default properties:


AI Integration node has the following properties:

Category Property  
AI Search Examples Include database data AISettingsProperties01
Automatic redirection to record detail Detail redirection
List objects Allow redirection by default
Include in AI assistant by default
Include 'Extra Selections' in AI assistant by default
Assistant Attributes are sortable by default
Attributes are filterable by default
Allow processing entire table by default
Maximum records to process

AI Search Examples

Include database data

Specifies whether to include data from the database in the examples shown to the user. This implies that this data is sent to the IA services to obtain the example queries. 

This property applies when having Header Search Type as 'DataUsingNaturalLanguage' and also when clicking in the Standard Action for making queries in natural language:



Turning it off provides the same search functionality without displaying these "real" examples.

Automatic redirection to record detail:

Detail redirection:

Specifies the default value for the property 'Detail redirection' of the list objects within transaction instances > AI Node.

This property in the instances specifies whether a redirection to the detail of a record will be supported. This means redirecting to the Transaction in its different modes (update, delete, or display), and to the View object.

The options are:

  • Disabled: won't make a redirection to the record's detail
  • Where there is only 1 result
  • Always: it will redirect to the first record of the query result.

List objects:

Allow redirection by default:

Specifies the default value for the property 'Allow redirection' of the list objects within transaction instances > AI Node. 

Include in AI assistant by default:

Specifies the default value for the property 'Include in AI assistant' of the list objects within transaction instances > AI Node.

Include 'Extra Selections' in AI assistant by default

Specifies the default value for the property 'Include in AI assistant' of the extra selections (extra list) objects within transaction instances > AI Node.


Attributes are sortable by default

Specifies the default value for the column property 'Is sortable?' within the AI node in the List object. So, it will define whether the attributes of the list objects included in the assistant queries will be sortable by default.

The options are: 

  • Based on attribute definition: will take its value from the property 'Sortable by title' of the column attribute within the list object:

  • True: by default sets all the attributes included in the assistant as sortable. 
  • False: by default won't sort by any of the attributes included in the assistant.

Attributes are filterable by default

Specifies the default value for the column property 'Is filterable?' within the AI node in the List object. So, it will define whether the attributes of the list objects included in the assistant queries will be filterable by default.

The options are: 

  • Based on attribute definition: will take its value from the property 'Include Title Filter' of the column attribute within the list object:
  • True: by default sets all the attributes included in the assistant as filterable. 
  • False: by default won't filter by any of the attributes included in the assistant.

Allow processing entire table by default

Specifies whether reading all rows in the table is allowed. This is needed to resolve some queries like 'Total sales per customer' in an Invoices table.

Maximum records to process

If the user requests a query from the assistant that requires processing more records, this query will not be performed and the user will be notified.