As mentioned before, the powerful AI Assistant has many capabilities. However, you may have a specific scenario that your customer requires that is not included automatically, and to accomplish it, WorkWithPlus AI Assistant is extensible.
There are two ways of extending the AI Assistant:
- Add a user custom function
- Add a custom redirection
To add a user custom function, you need to fill in the procedures:
WWP_AIGetUserCustomAssistantFunctions and WWP_AIProcessUserCustomAssistantFunctions
That are located in 'WorkWithPlus' Module > 'AI' Module > 'Procedures' folder > 'UserCustomAssistantFunctions' folder.
To add a user custom redirection, you need to fill in the procedures:
WWP_AIGetUserCustomRedirections and WWP_AIProcessUserCustomRedirection
that are located in 'WorkWithPlus' Module > 'AI' Module > 'Procedures' folder > 'UserCustomRedirections' folder.