Release date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Issue 12788
When migrating a Knowledge Base from an old version of WorkWithPlus to version 15, the following error is shown when trying to add a new Attribute:
Template not found:
Issue 12787
When having a Knowledge Base with Multi-tenant and Admin view enabled, if an Instance does not have a View object (or a View without the General tab), the following error is shown when applying the Pattern:
error src0216: 'Visible' invalid property. (Transaction 'Trn' Events, Line: 53, Char: 18, Details)
error src0265: Invalid attribute 'TenantName_Row' (Transaction 'Trn' Events, Line: 54, Char: 3, Details)
error src0216: 'Class' invalid property. (Transaction 'Trn' Events, Line: 54, Char: 21, Details)
Issue 12776
Custom properties do not work in sublevel attributes
Issue 12774
When having a Grid with a DVelop Combo with an Empty Item, all the numeric combos that don't have an assigned value shows "0" instead of "(None)".
Issue 12775
When having a grid with an extended combo and Add New Record option, at runtime it doesn't show the popup for the new record.
Issue 12770
When having a Knowledge Base with Mulit-tenant enabled and 'Admin View = True' on a Transaction, the user cannot insert a new record as Admin if the Tennant Id has a Extended Combo ('No matching' error is shown).