WorkWithPlus Components

In order to take advantage of all the elements that WorkWithPlus provides for developing your applications with an excellent user experience, reuse them and simplify your everyday work, WorkWithPlus for Web 15 incorporates a new element named Component. These Components are composed of a visual part (a portion of an instance) and also can have associated event blocks and defined variables. 

They are very simple to use, just make a right-click over a container -> Add 'Component':




The Component Selector will open:




Each Component has its own variants and customizations, so after selecting the component that you want to add, you will customize it:




Also, if you want to make some customization that is not provided by the Component, you can either modify the Component Definition or Customize it in the Web Panel that you are working on.

WorkWithPlus for Web includes more than 50 variants between components and its customizations. Also, you can create your own Components and use them all over your KBs.

For more information go to the following link: WorkWithPlus Components