Release date: Friday, August 19, 2022
Issue 12769
When running the Design System Wizard selecting the option of Security 'None' and 'Include Sample Login', the Login Page didn't have Master Page assigned, so the settings of the Design System (colors, background, etc) were not made.
Issue 12768
When having a Web Component that contains a Tabs and set that Web Component inside a Detail Web Component action, the tabs shows the Tabs slider when it is not necessary.
Also, the Action Confirmation within the Web Component is not displayed either.
Both problems were fixed.
Issue 12766
When creating a Web Panel based on a Transaction template, if the user selects a Business Component with multiple levels, in the grid of the second level the pattern adds attributes instead of variables.
Issue 12765
When having a popup Web Component with an action with 'Confirm=True', the popup Web Component can only be opened once (if the user closes it and tries to open it again, it is not shown).