

Themes node has the following properties:

Category Property  
General Theme ThemesImg02
Theme Class Button
Disabled Button
Text To Link
Plain text
Att / Var Right Text
Allow Selection Grid Suffix
Column Selector table
Column Selector Free Style Grid
Table for Geolocation Attributes
Grid User Action Image Class
Attribute Attribute
Readonly Attribute
Readonly Grid Attribute
Blob Attribute
Readonly Blob Attribute
Readonly Grid Blob Attribute
Character Attribute Suffix
Varchar Attribute Suffix
Numeric Attribute Suffix
Date Attribute Suffix
Date Time Attribute Suffix
Combo Attribute Suffix
Radio Button Attribute Suffix
Check Box Attribute Suffix
Totalizer Atts and Vars Suffix
Required Attributes Required Themes Assignation
Required Attribute
Required Attribute Description
Required Attribute Cell
Required Attribute Description Cell
Extended Controls Panel
Tab Panel
Filter Range Middle Text
Dynamic Filter Filter Operator
Dyn Filter Table
Dyn Filter Prefix
Dyn Filter Middle
Dyn Filter Selector
Fixed Filters Description
FreeStyleGrid with Descriptions as Header Header Table (FS with Header)
Section (for Scroll in FS with Header)
Default Title (for Scroll in FS with Header)
Free Style Grid (FS with Header)

Properties Of Category General:


Specifies the theme object that will be set to all objects generated by the pattern if Set object theme property is True. If this property is empty, theme will be taken from KB's Default Theme  property.

Properties Of Category Theme Class:

All the properties inside this category specifies the default theme class for different objects or node types. 

Properties Of Category Attribute:

The following properties specifies the class to be assigned by default to attributes of this kind.


  • Attribute
  • Readonly Attribute
  • Readonly Blob Attribute
  • Readonly Grid Blob Attribute
  • Grid Check Box Attribute (apply only for Multi Row Selection and Association Selection)

The following properties specify a suffix that will be set to each type of attribute when is not Read only. Applies for attributes and variables.


  • Character Attribute Suffix
  • Varchar Attribute Suffix
  • Numeric Attribute Suffix
  • Date Attribute Suffix
  • Date Time Attribute Suffix
  • Combo Attribute Suffix
  • Radio Button Attribute Suffix
  • Check Box Attribute Suffix
  • Totalizer Atts and Vars Suffix: specifies the suffix to be assigned to the class of the variable that is included automatically by WorkWithPlus at the bottom of the grid displaying the totalizer of that column.

Example 1:

If the value of the property 'Theme class' of an attribute node in a transaction is 'Att', and the type of this attribute is Date it will assign: Attribute + Property 'Date Attribute Suffix': AttDate

Example 2:

If the value of the property 'Theme class' of an attribute node in a transaction is empty, it will take the default value of Web Settings -> Theme -> Attribute + the right suffix (depending on the type of the attribute): AttributeDate (see images below).




Properties Of Category Required attributes:

Specifies the themes classes or prefix to be assigned to the attributes or variables that are required.

Required Themes Assignation:

Specifies the theme classes that WorkWithPlus will assign to required attributes and variables. The options are: 'Fixed Classes' or 'Use a prefix'.

  •  Fixed classes: it will assign the classes that are defined in the properties named Required Attribute, Required Attribute Description, Required Attribute Cell and Required Attribute Description Cell. These properties are in Theme node. It won't take into account the values of the properties Theme class, Description Theme class, cell theme class and Description cell theme class of the attribute or variable.
    For example, if you have a required variable or attribute with the following properties:

     And the properties of WorkWithPlus Theme node are the following:

    The required variables will have the following properties:
  • Use a prefix: the classes assigned to the required attributes will be a concatenation of the properties mentioned above and the values of the properties of the attribute/variable itself.

Properties of Category Filter:

Range Middle Text:

Specifies the theme to apply to the text that goes in the middle of the Range filter.


Properties Of Category Dynamic Filter:

Filter Operator:

Theme to apply to the control which contains the operators. This control is included when you insert a filter with dynamic operators or a dynamics filters node.

Dyn Filter Table:

Theme to apply to the table which wraps all the controls of the dynamic filters.


Dyn Filter Prefix:

Theme to apply to the label that is next to the combobox with the attributes.


Dyn Filter Middle:

Theme to apply to the label that is between both comboboxes.


Dyn Filter Selector:

Theme to apply to the combobox which contains the operators to apply to an attribute.


Fixed Filters Description:

Specifies the theme class that will be assigned to the filter's description. Only applies when the filter is inside the FixedFilters node.
