User Defined Notifications

The User Defined Notifications (also called Notifications) are notifications that you will trigger manually (by adding a call to a procedure) when some event happens (a process started, a process ended, a button was pressed, etc).You define them in WorkWithPlus for Web Settings:


Notification Name NotificationsModuleImg002
Subscription description
Allow User Subscription
Default Visualization Icon
Advanced Security Security Functionality Key



The property is used to identify the Notification so that you will trigger it using this Name.

Subscription description

The description that will be displayed to the end-user or administrator at runtime in order to subscribe to this notification.


Category to be shown in the Subscriptions panel of the end-user.


Allow User Subscription

End-user will be able to subscribe/unsubscribe to the notification or not.

Default Visualization


Default icon to be displayed when receiving a notification of this type.


Default title expression to be displayed when receiving a notification of this type. To set a literal, it is necessary to add the  quotes(i.e.: 'Title')


Default link to be included when receiving a notification of this type.

Advanced Security

Security Functionality Key

The Security Functionality Key used to check if the user has permission to subscribe to this notification.

For end-users to subscribe to these Notifications, they have to navigate to the Web Panel 'Manage my Subscriptions' (Click in notifications bell at the top of the page > Check all notifications > Manage my subscriptions)


Trigger the Notification

The code that you have to add in order to trigger this notification is the following:

WWP_SendNotification(!"<Name>", "<Category>", '', !"<Icon>",  "<Title>", "<ShortDescription>", "<LongDescription>", <Link>, '', '', <DoCommit>)  
  • <Name> is the name of the Notification (defined in the 'Notification' within WorkWithPlus for Web Settings)
  • <Category> is the name of the Category (defined in the 'Notification' within WorkWithPlus for Web Settings)
  • The parameters <Icon>, <Title> can be sent empty and will take their value from the definition of the Notification.
  • <ShortDescription> is the message that will be displayed in Desktop Notifications and SMS
  • <LongDescription> is the message that will be displayed when receiving a notification by email
  • <Link> is the link that will be called when clicking in a notification (from the Email, bell at the top of the page or desktop notification)