The User Defined Notifications (also called Notifications) are notifications that you will trigger manually (by adding a call to a procedure) when some event happens (a process started, a process ended, a button was pressed, etc).You define them in WorkWithPlus for Web Settings:
The property is used to identify the Notification so that you will trigger it using this Name.
The description that will be displayed to the end-user or administrator at runtime in order to subscribe to this notification.
Category to be shown in the Subscriptions panel of the end-user.
End-user will be able to subscribe/unsubscribe to the notification or not.
Default icon to be displayed when receiving a notification of this type.
Default title expression to be displayed when receiving a notification of this type. To set a literal, it is necessary to add the quotes(i.e.: 'Title')
Default link to be included when receiving a notification of this type.
The Security Functionality Key used to check if the user has permission to subscribe to this notification.
For end-users to subscribe to these Notifications, they have to navigate to the Web Panel 'Manage my Subscriptions' (Click in notifications bell at the top of the page > Check all notifications > Manage my subscriptions)
The code that you have to add in order to trigger this notification is the following:
WWP_SendNotification(!"<Name>", "<Category>", '', !"<Icon>", "<Title>", "<ShortDescription>", "<LongDescription>", <Link>, '', '', <DoCommit>)
- <Name> is the name of the Notification (defined in the 'Notification' within WorkWithPlus for Web Settings)
- <Category> is the name of the Category (defined in the 'Notification' within WorkWithPlus for Web Settings)
- The parameters <Icon>, <Title> can be sent empty and will take their value from the definition of the Notification.
- <ShortDescription> is the message that will be displayed in Desktop Notifications and SMS
- <LongDescription> is the message that will be displayed when receiving a notification by email
- <Link> is the link that will be called when clicking in a notification (from the Email, bell at the top of the page or desktop notification)