"Wizard Templates" are a special type of template specially designed for those screens in which you need to guide the user through the execution of steps, in order to execute the desired process.
WorkWithPlus provides the possibility to generate Wizard Web Panels in a very simple way, managing automatically the state of the different steps so at any time of the wizard execution you will be able to access all the information fulfilled by end-user during the execution of the wizard.
The Wizard uses an SDT (called <WebPanelName>Data) that keeps the information of each one of the steps. Then the developer is the one who must use that SDT to manipulate the data.
By default, it provides 6 different Wizard templates: Wizard Bullet Type, Wizard Arrow Type, Wizard Line, Wizard Vertical, Wizard Progress and Wizard Underline, but you can modify these templates or create new ones. In the following image, you can visualize these templates.
We can also create or modify new steps for the wizard to develop other kind of tasks:
** Available as of WorkWithPlus for Web 14 Upgrade #3