WorkWithPlus AI and GeneXus Enterprise AI

WorkWithPlus includes a ready-to-use AI module, in order to release the power of AI and elevate your customer's UX with ready to use AI empowered features. By enabling this module, you will be able to include into your applications a set of features empowered by AI. These features are designed in order to provide extra power and flexibility to your customers. This module is included within WorkWithPlus for Web license.  Any WorkWithPlus user with an active license can use it.

WorkWithPlus AI module works by taking advantage of all the information we have from the KB (semantic model) to give the best possible context to GeneXus Enterprise AI (which will transfer it to the desired LLM). So, GeneXus Enterprise AI subscription is required to use WorkWithPlus AI module.

Please take into account the following considerations:

Free development only version

GeneXus Enterprise AI + WorkWithPlus give our community free 50 daily requests for development only purposes. When using this version, the following message will appear at runtime:


When deploying an application to production, you must subscribe to a special version of GeneXus Enterprise AI and use your own credentials.

GeneXus Enterprise AI Subscription

Exclusive to WorkWithPlus users, a special version of GeneXus Enterprise AI offers two special plans with very light cost structures and usage limits. These plans are thought, so everybody can release the power of AI in their projects! 

You can pick your plan here


  • WorkWithPlus AI module is a part of WorkWithPlus for Web. Any WorkWithPlus user with an active license can use it.

  • A free version with up to 50 daily is available for development only purposes.

  • Subscription to a special light version of GeneXus Enterprise AI is required.