Translations added
Missing translations were added for the Japanese version.
Template ‘Login with background’ modified
Template fields colors and fonts were modified
GAM Login fails in GeneXus 16 upgrade 2 (Issue number: 1245)
GeneXus fails when property “Enable Show Password” is used. In this version “Enable Show Password” was removed from SmartDevicesPlus templates.
Delete tabs does not update the tree (Issue number: 1235)
When deleting a tab SmartDevicesPlus hierarchical editor does not show the change. In this version hierarchical editor behaves like GeneXus built in editor, if user selects a single tab and hits “delete” key, the hole “Tabs control” is deleted on both hierarchical and graphical editor. To delete single tab, user must right click over tab and select “Delete Tab” option.
Floating actions in SDPanel (Issue number: 1246)
When applying a list template in a SDPanel wizard shows the option "Apply Floating Actions" but the option is not applied.
As of this version, “Floating Actions” can be applied in any SDPanel.