Android Charts Theme Customization


As of SmartDevicesPlus 6, this control was removed from SmartDevicesPlus controls library.

Please check documentation for Chart User Control


Selecting custom theme allows you to customize the chart look and feel by manually selecting each of the charts colors. Once enabled custom theme you will have to write the following properties:


Legend Class

This property allows you to customize the legend look and feel. You can write the name of a textblock class and the user control will read its properties and use them to customize the chart.

The following properties of the class will be read:

  • Background Color: Is used to paint the legend box background color.
  • Forecolor: Is applied to the legend labels

"Legend Location" must be set to either Top or Bottom in order to see this property.

e.g. if we set the Legend Class to "SDPLegendLabel":


We will obtain the following legend:


Value Axis Major Lines Color and Category Axis Major Lines Color

This properties allows you to customize the major lines look and feel. The property 'Value Axis Major Lines Color' modify the Horizontal major lines, while the property 'Category Axis Major Lines Color' modify the Vertical major lines.



Value Axis Minor Lines Color and Category Axis Minor Lines Color

This properties allows you to customize the minor lines look and feel. The property 'Value Axis Minor Lines Color' modify the Horizontal minor lines, while the property 'Category Axis Minor Lines Color' modify the Vertical minor lines.



Outline Class

This property allows you to customize the chart data outlines look and feel.



Value Axis Labels Color and Category Axis Labels Color

This properties allows you to customize the axis category and values labels look and feel. The property "Value Axis Labels Color" modify the color of the axis Y labels, while the "Category Axis Labels Color" modify the color ot the axis X labels.



Series Color Collection

This property allows allows you to customize the series colors. Colors must be specified between commas e.g.: #3b6299c8, #fcc23cc8, #f96650c8

If the charts has more colors than the specified in this property colors will be repeated.

The following example shows the result of setting the property to: "#ff0000ff, #00ff00ff"


Value Axis Strip Color and Category Axis Strip Color

This properties define the background color between two major lines. The property "Value Axis Strip Color" defines the horizontal color and the property "Category Axis Strip Color" defines the vertical color.

