
The properties within this node specifies the name that will be assigned to the different objects created by WorkWithPlus.


Objects node has the following properties:

Category Property  
General Properties View ObjectsImg02
Extra View
Extra Selection
Association Selection
Prompt Multiple
Export Report
Export CSV
Import Excel
Import CSV
Data Selector
Title Filter Service Procedure
Load DVCombo
Calculate Group Totalizers

General Properties:


Specifies the name which will be set to View objects in GeneXus. For example, if transaction instance is Person, View object will be named as PersonView.

Extra View:

Specifies the prefix which will be set to ExtraView objects in GeneXus. For example, if transaction instance is Person, ExtraView object will be named as PersonView concatenated with name property.


Specifies the name which will be set to Selection objects in GeneXus. For example, if transaction instance is Person, Selection object will be named as PersonWW.

Extra Selection:

Specifies the prefix which will be set to Extra Selection objects in GeneXus. For example, if transaction instance is Person, Extra Selection object will be named as PersonWW concatenated with name property.

Association Selection:

Specifies the prefix which will be set to Association Selection objects in GeneXus. For example, if transaction instance is Person, Association Selection object will be named as PersonAssociationWW concatenated with name property.


Specifies the prefix which will be set to Association objects in GeneXus. For example, if transaction instance is Person, Association object will be named as PersonAssociation concatenated with name property.


Specifies the name which will be set to Prompt objects in GeneXus. For example, if transaction instance is Person, Prompt object will be named as PersonPrompt for the Prompt of first level. 

Prompt Multiple:

Specifies the name which will be set to Prompt Multiple objects in GeneXus. For example, if transaction instance is Person, Prompt Multiple object will be named as PersonPrompt for the Prompt Multiple object.


Specifies the name which will be set to Export objects in GeneXus. For example, if transaction instance is Person, Export procedure will be named as PersonExport.


Specifies the name which will be set to ExportReport objects in GeneXus. For example, if the transaction instance is Person, ExportReport procedure will be named as PersonExportReport.

Export CSV:

Specifies the name which will be set to the procedures created to export to CSV the data within a grid object in GeneXus. For example, if the transaction instance is Person, ExportCSV procedure will be named PersonExportCSV.

Import Excel:

Specifies the name which will be set to the procedures created to import from Excel files the data within a grid object in GeneXus. For example, if the transaction instance is Person, the ImportExcel procedure will be named as PersonImportExcel.

Import CSV:

Specifies the name which will be set to the procedures created to export to CSV the data within a grid object in GeneXus. For example, if the transaction instance is Person, the ImportCSV procedure will be named as PersonImportCSV.

Data Selector:

Specifies the name which will be set to the DataSelector objects generated when the property 'Generate Data Selector' within the Grid Objects is True. For example, if transaction instance is Person, and Selection is PersonWW and has this property on True, a DataSelector named PersonWWDS will be generated in GeneXus.

Title Filter Service Procedure

Specifies the name which the procedures that are created automatically by WorkWithPlus for the column filter feature will have.


Specifies the name which the procedures that are created automatically by WorkWithPlus for loading dynamically the DVelop Combo attributes or variables will have.

Calculate Group Totalizers

Specifies the name of the procedure where the calculation of each group row totalizer will be done, for the objects that have a grid with grouped columns.

In any of the properties mentioned above, '<Object>' tag represents transaction's name. In other words, the tag will be replaced for transaction's name in all the places where appears.