Issues Resolved (v15 Upgrade #1.12)

Release Date: Thursday, September 7th 2023

License verification improvements to prevent IDE freeze

Issue 12939

License verification improvements were made in order to prevent IDE freeze

Allow 'Other GeneXus Properties' in a TextBlock node

Issue 12940

Allow 'Other GeneXus Properties' in a TextBlock node

Property 'Enter event' of Variables in GeneXus 18 (Native Mobile)

Issue 12941

When using GeneXus 18, the property 'Enter Event' of the Variables does not work correctly.

List with Extended Combo Variable and Title Filters with GAM

Issue 12943

When having a List object with Title Filters and including a Variable outside the grid with 'Control Type = DVelop Combo' and 'Load Data Dynamically = true' the title filters stop working if the Knowledge Base has GAM.

Web Component inside Free Style Grid inside other Free Style Grid

Issue 12944

When having two nested free style grids and in the second one you have a Web Component, WorkWithPlus generates the code to load the component in the grid.load of both free style grids.

DVMessage Clear on start event

Issue 12945

When having the line "Msg(!'<#CLEAR#>')" in the start event of an object to clear all previous messages, if the page is refreshed using the browser refresh button, a message "<#CLEAR#>" is shown.