WorkWithPlus 15 Upgrade #1.3

Release date: Thursday, 16th March 2023

New Features

WorkFlow WebPanels with WorkWithPlus

A new property was added to Design System Wizard named 'Include Workflow WebPanels'. This will include the Web Panels related to GX Flow with WorkWithPlus instances and with the Design System selected.


Issues Resolved

'Is required' rule in a transaction with 'Data Implementation = Service layer'

When having a KB with 'Data Implementation = Service layer' and applying the Pattern to a Transaction, the attributes with 'Is Required = True' correctly check that the attribute is not empty but does not add the required rule to the BC.

This means that if other services use the BC, the attributes are not required.

Issue 12843

Issue when running Design System Wizard

When running the Design System Wizard in a KB that already had WorkWithPlus and was migrated from GeneXus 17 or prior, an error occurs in some scenarios with the GeneXus Reporting Module and the Wizard does not end successfully.

Issue 12852