Issues Resolved (v15 Upgrade #1.9)

Release date: Thursday, June 1st 2023

New Features

Smart Table Support

With the new version of WorkWithPlus, you can add Smart Tables to your Forms. With the property 'Column Width' you configure the widths of the columns of it.


Issue Resolved

Edit Column Widths in Table inside FreeStyleGrid (Native Mobile)

Issue 12905

The following error is displayed when trying to edit the Column Widths property using the editor dialog of a regular table inside a Free Style Gird: "The table must have at least one column to edit their widths".

Grid User action with confirm in GAM backend objects

Issue 12902

If the User Action "UAMenus" of the Web Panel GAMWWApplications is set to "Confirm = True", the following error is shown when applying the Pattern:

error: Null Domain to define variable: Id_Selected

Workaround: open the called object (GAMWWAppMenus) and change the definition of its parameter variable (&ApplicationId) so it is defined directly without referencing a GAM domain.

Popover in infinity scrolling records after scrolling

Issue 12901

When having a list with infinite scrolling and a Popover, after scrolling and forcing the grid to load more records, the Popover does not work in the new loaded records.

Issue when including in Export an Audio attribute

Issue 12910

When having an attribute of type Audio, by default WorkWithPlus includes it in the Export, and the object throws an error at the moment of specification.