Release date: Friday, January 8, 2021
Issue 3460
GeneXus IDE closes after making changes on a very big WorkWithPlus for Web Pattern Instance.
Issue 3461
The focus should be set to the "Yes" button when the Confirm panel is displayed.
Issue 3462
When the user presses the "Enter" key over a button on a Confirm Panel, nothing was done (only the "Space" key worked correctly).
Issue 3463
When a DVeop Combo is defined with "Load Data Dynamically=True" and many "Condition dynamic atts. or vars." (more than 9), parameter values are not passed correctly.
Issue 3455
When doing "Update Instance" to a web panel based on the Transaction template that has a Variable, the following error appears:
error: An error occurred while updating the instance WorkWithPlus<Name>:
Unable to cast object of type 'DVelop.Patterns.WorkWithPlus.SettingsTrnTableVariableElement' to type 'DVelop.Patterns.WorkWithPlus.SettingsTableVariableElement'.
Issue 3454
When defining an Extended Combo in an FK with 'Dynamic Combo Box' in its Attribute definition, the first time an item is selected its value does not get assigned correctly. If you select another item, the problem won't happen anymore.
Issue 3453
When having a totalizer in a grid with Infinite scrolling (grid scroll bar) the totalizers are not properly aligned to the column. This happens when there are many columns, so a horizontal scroll is added.
Important: Fixed columns are not supported in grids with "Infinite scrolling (grid scroll bar)"
Issue 3451
When having a range date filter (it happens with both simple and dynamic filters), the date pickers open when the page loads instead of opening when the user clicks on the fields.
This also happens in a Transaction, when the date attribute is the first one on the screen.
The customer also suggests showing the calendar icon in the filter.
The variables included in the Popover templates were based on an attribute instead of basic, so the preview of these templates were incorrect