Bug Fixes (v14 Upgrade #0.4)

Action group not showing Font icon properties

Issue 4521

When having a User Action inside a DVelop Bootstrap Action Group, it doesn't show the Font Icon properties

Issue with DVGroup without GridEmpowerer

Issue 4520

When having a DVGroup in a grid that does not have "Grid Empowerer" (this means AllowResize = False, AllowReordering = False, Allow Fixing = False, and no Popover), the Expand/Collpase behavior was incorrect.

English literal error (Display inherit roles)

Issue 4500

The literal "Display inherit roles" (WWP_GAM_DisplayInheritRoles) should be "Display inherited roles".

Error 'TemplateNotFound' when upgrading to WorkWithPlus for Web 14

Issue 4519

When you upgrade to WorkWithPlus for Web 14, and you don´t have the template 'TransactionPopup' (imported automatically by WorkWithPlus for Web when running the Wizard in version 13), the following error is displayed:

'error: Template not found: TransactionPopUp'

Auto DVelop Combo selecting incorrect Table

Issue 4504

In some specific scenarios like the following, the Auto DVelop Combo was selecting the incorrect table to navigate.

Transaction Country: * CountriId, ContryName

Transaction City: * CountryId, * CityId, CityName

Transaction Trip: * TripId, TripName, CountryId, CityId

When the developer set a specific Control Info to the CityId attribute in the Trip Transaction Instance, the Auto DVelop Combo of the CountryId was set incorrectly to City Table. The CountryId Table to navigate by the Auto DVelop Combo should be Country.

Issue with <OBJ_FULLNAME> tag in transaction-based List objects

Issue 4505

When having selection with a base table (in a Transaction or Web Panel Instance) and using the <OBJ_FULLNAME> tag in a code block, it doesn't replace the tag with the name of the object.

DatePicker time is not default with value 'now'

Issue 4507

When having a DateTime with WorkWithPlus DatePicker, if the user clicks the date icon (instead of the input), the picker is displayed, but the time is 12:00. The time should be now (the same when the user clicks the input).

Issue with Extended Combo and 'New' option

Issue 4508

When using an extended combo with the 'New' option, when you close the popup (clicking on the cross), it shows this in the combo: <#POPUP_CLOSED#>

Extended Combo with a visible condition does not work

Issue 4509

When having an Extended Combo in the transaction with Visible condition and "Is visible initial appearance = Not visible", when the condition is met, the Extended Combo is not displayed correctly.

Manage filters action inside GX Action Group

Issue 4501

When adding the "Manage filters" action inside a GX Action Group some errors are shown.

Issue with usercustom<Printblock>

Issue 4516

When the developer creates a print block in Export Report procedures named usercustom<PrintBlockName> in order to substitute a generated Print Block, an error is shown when applying the Pattern.

Issue with Popover in WebPanel Grid (no List object)

Issue 4518

When having a Popover over a grid item in a Web Panel Instance (not List object) an error is shown when applying the pattern.

Problem with parm IN Wizard

Issue 4513

When trying to add an in parm in a wizard like this: IN: CustomerId, it throws an error.