Intelligence in re-running the Wizard

Now WorkWithPlus for Web 14 has intelligence when running the Design System Wizard, and have made two major improvements. 

Import only needed objects

Previously, when you ran the Wizard, even if a single change was made, all the objects would be imported again.
With the intelligence that was incorporated into the Wizard, it detects what changes were made and thus, imports only those that are involved in the change.

After executing the Wizard, if you have already WorkWithPlus for Web in your KB, a message will appear on the screen notifying which objects will be imported, according to the changes that have been made. You have the option to import only these objects or have everything imported again.


Maintain Properties from WorkWithPlus for Web Settings

In this version, not only it will import only the needed objects according to the customizations you made, but when it is needed to re-import the WorkWithPlus for Web Settings, a lot of properties and nodes will remain as you had it. These are:

  • Objects Node
  • Labels Node
  • Event blocks and variables that you had added in the predefined templates
  • Automatic conditions
  • Properties for defining conditional formatting and column tags (in WorkWithPlus for Web -> Grid node)
  • Default filters definition
  • The templates that you created for Transactions, Lists, Web Panels, Reports, etc.