Standard Action node's purpose is to insert preset actions in objects generated by the pattern. In other words, each standard action will have certain preset behaviour and will generate the needed code in Events and Rules in order to accomplish it. These behaviour will be the same no matter in which instance transaction user is inserting it. For example, if we want to add a 'Trn_Enter' Standard Action node into an instance transaction object, we will know on advance that this action will confirm the transaction. That behaviour will be analogous if we add the action into CreditCard transaction, or Country.
Standard Action node is similar to User Action node. In fact, they have numerous properties in common.The difference between them is that Standard Action has a preset behaviour while in User Action it is GeneXus developer who should define and implement its behaviour.
Standard Action node has the following properties:
Specifies whether the control for the action will be a Button, an Image or the default control type taken from WorkWithPlus Settings -> Standard Actions node -> Corresponding Action Node ("Insert" node in the example above) -> Control type property.
Specifies the standard action's name, which will determine its behaviour. The options are: Insert, Update, Delete, Display, Export, ExportReport.
Specifies whether the action will be included in the form or not. If the value is <default> the answer of including it or not will be taken from the corresponding value in WWP Configuration ( WorkWithPlus Settings > Standard Actions node > "Insert" node) > Include action property).
Specifies the object that will be invoked after the user clicks on the action. This field allows an empty value in which none object will be called.
Specifies whether the action will need a confirmation from user in order to continue its proccess or not. This will open a pop up with the message, title and type described in the following properties.
Specifies the message that will be shown on the confirmation pop up.
Specifies the title that will be shown on the confirmation pop up.
Specifies whether the confirmation will have two options (YesNo type) or will have the option to cancel the operation (YesNoCancel type). The labels of Yes button, No button and Cancel button are parametrized in WWP Configuration -> Labels -> Confirm Text Yes, Confirm Text No, Confirm Text Cancel
Specifies whether the confirmation will contain a field in which the end-user can write something. The possible values are: 'Do not include', 'Optional' and 'Required'
Specifies the invite message that will be included in the comment field.
Specifies the tooltip that is going to be shown on the form, for that action. It applies for Images or Button actions.
Specifies the condition which will have to be accomplished in order to let the action enabled. It has to be a boolean expression, like &Var = 10, MyProcedure.udp(parm1, parm2, ...) where MyProcedure returns some boolean value or MyOtherProcedure.udp(parm1, parm2, ...) = 'XXX' .
Specifies whether the object invoked will be opened pop up or in the same page. This property only applies when the property GxObject has some value (an object to invoke when clicking in the action).
Specifies whether a refresh command will be added after the popup sentence or not.
Specifies the width of the popup. This only applies when you have the property 'Popup' as true and you select in the 'GX Object' property a Web Component, in order to use the WorkWithPlus Popup.
Perform action in the Grid (without going to the transaction). This property only applies for Standard Actions Insert, Update and Delete of a List object.
Specifies the width of the element.
The properties inside this category only applies for Image actions (its control type is Image).
Specifies the type of image. The options are:
If you select font icon you need to specifies the font in the property 'Image Class'.
Specifies the image which is going to appear in the form.
Specifies the class for the image.
Specifies the image that will be shown at runtime in case the condition is not accomplished (condition set in Condition property) and the action is disabled. Only applies if the property Disabled Actions of WorkWithPlus Settings -> Standard Actions node -> property DisabledActions is 'Disabled' .
Specifies the theme class to be used when the action is disabled.
The properties inside this category only applies for Button actions (its control type is Button).
Specifies the theme class to apply to actions which its control type is button, when they have to be disabled.
Specifies the functionality key to apply to this action. This property only applies when Advanced Security is enabled, and the property GXObject has some value. For more information click in advanced security.
With these properties, you can set whether the Standard Action will be visible in the different browser sizes. For example, you can set that is visible when the browser is Large and not visible when the browser is Extra Small. The possible values for these properties are true or false.
This Category is only visible when the Standard Action is inside a grid.
Specifies whether the action will be fixed to the left of the grid, to the right or not fixed.
If you want to see some examples about actions and their properties (properties related to Images, properties related to Button) follow this link which will go to UserAction properties (they have the same meaning and are illustrated). User Action
There are some properties that only applies to some specific StandardAction, so they are invisible unless the StandardAction selected is that one. These cases are Export and ExportReport:
The properties that are specific for ExportReport are the following:
Specifies the report's title, the title that will be displayed to the generated report. The <default> value will set the title set on WorkWithPlus Settings -> Standard Actions -> ExportReport node -> Title property. For example: 'Person List'
The following ilustration is an example of this action:
Specifies the size of the paper where the PDFs will be generated. The options are: Letter, Legal, Exclusive, A4, A5, B4, B5
Paper Orientation:
Specifies the orientation of the paper where the PDFs will be generated. The options are: Portrait and Landscape.
Line Height:
Specifies the amount of rows that each record of the PDF will occupy. The possible values are:
- <Automatic>: the line height will be 3 rows if any column have more than 1 row in its height definition.
- 1 row - 10 row: the line height will the specified.
GeneXus does not support having a dynamic line height. This means that if a line occupies 3 rows but the data of the field fits in one row, there will be two rows empty for that record.
The properties that are specific for Export are the following:
Specifies the title of the Export file. The <default> value will set the title set on WorkWithPlus Settings -> Standard Actions -> Export node -> Title property. For example you could set 'Persons' and at the top of the Excel document this title will be shown.
This property applies only for Export action. Specifies whether the end user will download to file the Excel file or will upload to Google Drive. The default action is defined in WorkWithPlus Settings -> Standard Actions -> Export node -> Behavior property. You can set some WebPanel to be called which gives end users both options, which is explained here: Upload Excels to Google Drive
If you want to have information about the meaning of each Standard Action, follow this link: Standard Actions