New Login Styles

Two new styles have been added in order to create the Login screen. 

Style 2 - Background image.

It has the input and button fields centered on the screen within a table with a transparent background.
For this Login Style you have three options in 'Login extra image'.

  • Style 1- Light.
  • Style 2- Dark.
  • Select Image from KB.


Style 4 - Background and image.

It has the input and button fields centered vertically on the screen, slightly to the right. The background color is taken from "Step 2 - Color Palette" in order to use your customizations.
Below the text 'Welcome' an image is shown, that can be customized from the 'Login extra image' property.
For this Login Style you have two options in 'Login extra image'.

  • Small image.
  • Select Image from KB.
