Issue 4512
When having a grid with edit inline, and a DVelop Combo inside with empty item, every empty, read-only attributes shows the DVelop Combo empty item instead of blank.
Issue 4524
When having a User Action with Control Type = Image, a custom Functionality Key defined and ActionSecurityCheck = OnLoadAndUserEvent, the following code is generated in the CheckSecurityForActions Sub:
&TempBoolean = SecGAMIsAuthByFunctionalityKey.Udp(!'test1')
If not (&TempBoolean)
test1.Visible = False
&TempBoolean = SecGAMIsAuthByFunctionalityKey.Udp(!'test2')
If not (&TempBoolean)
test2.Visible = False
The proper code (added when Control Type = Button) should be:
&IsAuthorized_test1 = SecGAMIsAuthByFunctionalityKey.Udp(!'test1')
If not (&IsAuthorized_test1)
Btntest1.Visible = False
&IsAuthorized_test2 = SecGAMIsAuthByFunctionalityKey.Udp(!'test2')
If not (&IsAuthorized_test2)
Btntest2.Visible = False
Issue 4528
When having a table and assigning the Width = 100%, when saving some error appears. A validation error should be shown as it is not allowed to set percentage widths nor heights to Abstract Tables.
Issue 4529
When having a Date format different from the language default date format (for example KB Language: English, Date format: Italian), the Range Picker displays the dates in the language default date format (in the mentioned example, it displays the date in English format).
Issue 4530
When changing the WWP_ColumnsSelectorButton key on the language, the caption at runtime is not properly updated.
Issue 4531
In some screens, in the "Edit Columns" action the "menu name" column appears twice as "Not fixed".
Issue 4533
When having a Web Panel based on Transaction template with BC, and you set a field with DateRangePicker, it throws an error when applying the pattern. The same happens if you set a visible condition to the variable.
Issue 4535
When having a FreeStyleGrid and you add a popover on a variable, it throws an error when applying the pattern.
Issue 4536
When having a CSV file where the ; isn't the delimiter, it doesn't import the records. The separator configured in WorkWithPlus for Web Settings -> Standard Actions -> Export CSV -> Delimiter must be considered.
Issue 4538
When having a two-level transaction and a foreign key, when the key inserted doesn't exist, it displays two messages, one next to the attribute and another in the top of the screen.
Issue 4539
When having a List object based on SDT with grouping (Fixed or Multiple Options) and some totalizers, an error is shown when applying the pattern.
Issue 4545
When fixing columns at runtime, this configuration is not saved in the database. So, the next time you access the application, those columns are not displayed as fixed.
Issue 4546
The problem occurs when the user is editing a DVelop Combo with "Allow Multiple Selection = True", and clicks a button outside the DVelop Combo before closing it, if you print the value of the combo in the button event, it does not have the value updated.
Issue 4548
When having an Action Group inside a grid, if one of its actions has a call to a Procedure followed by a Grid.Refresh(), once the action is executed the Action Group is not properly visualized.
Issue 4549
When displaying a variable based on a domain of type Date and the property 'Date Display Flat' as true, the variable is not being displayed in the form at all. This occurs when using WorkWithPlus for Web's Date Picker User Controls.
Issue 4550
When having a List object based on SDT with a totalizer different to Count, its value is not calculated automatically.
Issue 4551
When having a Transaction with an attribute with Control Type = DVelop Combo and Data Source From = Data Provider, in the View object, the attribute displays the Item Value instead of the Item Descriptions.
When working with Data Source From = Attributes, the Item Description is properly shown.
Issue 4552
When having a grid based on an SDT, and a DVelop Combo with Dynamic Conditions, the following error appears when saving the instance:
error: Invalid Condition dynamics atts. or vars. value: &SDTAuthor.item(0).CategoryId
error: Error executing Template: WPEvents.dkt
Issue 4554
Allow the user to navigate throw the DVelop Combo using up and down arrows.
Issue 4555
When having a variable with DVelop Combo in a Transaction and another field as required, if the required field is left empty and the user press Confirm button, the required message is shown correctly but the DVelop Combo variable value is cleaned