Advanced Security

Work With Plus provides the possibility to enable Advanced Security for its applications. This security is functionality oriented. This means that every object, action, link or tab within an object could have associated one or more functionalities, and depending on the configuration of the roles associated with the logged user, the user will be able or not to access that webPanel, view the information of the tab, execute the action or link, enter to the transaction in some mode, view/edit some attribute or view some variable.

When you apply Advanced Security to a KB, it will import a set of tables, structures, procedures and webPanels that resolves the whole problem of security. This objects can be customized by developer or you can use your own procedures throwing away the ones created by Work With Plus in order to check the security of objects, actions, links, tabs, modes of a transaction, attributes and variables.

So, you can modify or adapt existent objects or redevelop these objects so that they could even invoke web services to verify if certain user has access or not to an object. The procedures and objects that determine how it will verify if some user has access or not to a security item (object, action, etc) is set in node Advanced Security of WWPConfiguration (that is explained below).

IMPORTANT: You could modify the structures imported automatically for security (tables, procedures, etc) and these structures, and procedures will not be overwritten ever (not when updating version of WorkWithPlus, neither when updating security functionalities). The only procedure that will be overwritten when updating security functionalities is the DataProvider SecGetAdvancedSecurityWWPFunctionalities 


Advanced Security node has the following properties:

Category Property  
General Properties Not Authorized Actions Appearance


Check Programs Check By Functionality Key
Check By Functionality Keys
Check By Object Name
Generated Programs Functionalities List Data Provider
Administrator User
Administrator Role
User Programs User Functionalities List Data Providier
Not Authorized
Attributes Security Default Enable Edit / Read Only Security
Default Edit / Read Only Security Functionality Key
Edit / Read Only Security Functionality Dsc
Default Enable Show / Hide Security
Default Show / Hide Security Functionality Key
Show / Hide Security Functionality Dsc
Att Link Security Functionality Dsc

General Properties

Not Authorized Actions Appearence:

Specifies whether the actions will be hidden or disabled when are the actual user has not accessed to those actions.


Properties Of Category Check Programs

Check by Functionality Key:

Specifies the procedure that will check if some user has access to certain functionality.

Check by Functionality Keys

Specifies the procedure that will check if some user has access to one of the functionalities received.

Check by Object Name

Specifies the procedure that will check if some user has access to the functionality associated to an object.


Properties Of Category Generated Programs

Functionalities List DataProvider:

Specifies the Data Provider where WorkWithPlus generates automatically all the Functionalities of the instances after doing 'Update Security Objects Code'. 

Administrator User:

Specifies the name of the administrator user that WorkWithPlus will create by default and will assign the administrator role. By default, the password for this user will be the same as the name.

Administrator Role:

Specifies the name of the role that will have all the permissions granted (administrator role).


Properties Of Category User Programs

User Functionalities List DataProvider:

Specifies the Data Provider that contains all the functionalities defined by the user (objects not created directly by WorkWithPlus). More information about how to add security to objects created without WorkWithPlus in the following link: Add Security to Objects created without WorkWithPlus

Not Authorized:

Specifies the web panel that will be invoked when some user tries to access a web panel (resource) that is not authorized.


Properties Of Category Attributes Security

Default Enable Edit/ReadOnly Security:

Specifies the default value for the property 'Enable Edit/ReadOnly Security' within the attribute's definition. The property 'Enable Edit/ReadOnly Security' specifies whether an attribute will have security of edit/readOnly type enabled. If you need that most of the attributes of the application have restrictions in which users can edit them, you should change this property as True. Otherwise, you can go to each attribute and set their property 'Enable Edit/ReadOnly Security' as True, leaving this one as False. 

Default Edit/ReadOnly Security Functionality Key:

Specifies the default value for the property 'Edit/ReadOnly Security Functionality Key' within the attribute's definition. The property 'Edit/ReadOnly Security Functionality Key' specifies the name of the permission associated to edit the attribute. 

Edit/ReadOnly Security Functionality Dsc:

Specifies the description of the permission associated to edit an attribute.

Default Enable Show/Hide Security:

Specifies the default value for the property 'Enable Show/Hide Security' within the attribute's definition. The property 'Enable Show/Hide Security' specifies whether an attribute will have security of show/hide type enabled. If you need that most of the attributes of the application have restrictions in which users can visualize them, you should change this property as True. Otherwise, you can go to each attribute and set their property 'Enable Show/Hide Security' as True, leaving this one as False.

Default Show/Hide Security Functionality Key:

Specifies the default value for the property 'Show/Hide Security Functionality Key' within the attribute's definition. The property 'Show/Hide Security Functionality Key' specifies the name of the permission associated to display or hide the attribute.

Show/Hide Security Functionality Dsc:

Specifies the description of the permission associated to display or hide an attribute or variable.

Atts Link Security Functionality Dsc:

Specifies the description of the permission associated to the link of an attribute or variable.