WorkWithPlus for Audit 5 Upgrade #1

Upgrade #1.3

Release Date: 16/04/2024


SQLServer: Null attributes

SQLServer now correctly compares nullable attributes. Audit was not considering the case where an attribute was set null.

SQLServer: Extension points added

Extension points added for SQLServer: 'beforeauditrecord', 'afterauditrecord'

Upgrade #1.2

Release Date: 26/10/2022


Compatibility with GeneXus 18 Preview

WorkWithPlus for Audit can now be installed on the GeneXus 18 preview

Upgrade #1.1

Release Date: 26/09/2022


Compatibility with WorkWithPlus for Web 15

WorkWithPlus for Audit backend can now be initialized correctly using WorkWithPlus for Web 15

License compatibility

Fixed license compatibility related to GeneXus SAC 51439

Upgrade #1.0

Release Date: 29/12/2021


Setup program updated

The setup program UI was updated to match the rest of our products.

'Beta' tag removed from the setup program

Setup was showing an incorrect 'Beta' tag.

Old Product Naming fixed

Several captions were updated to new product branding.

Common tools updated

In this version, we distribute the new WorkWithPlus Check for Updates mechanism.


Error using 'Boolean Enum' In SQLServer

Issue Nr 11698 was fixed. Using enums based on boolean will not fail in SQLServer.