Step 8 - Style Configurations

In this step you can customize other aspects of your application.


Panels Style

In this section you can define the style that will be applied for all panels.


Action Group Style

In this section you can define the style of the Action Group.


Grid Style

In this section you can define the style of the Grid.

Vertical borders check: 

If this option is checked, a vertical line is added that separates the columns in the grid.


Buttons Style

In this section you can define the style of Confirm and Cancel buttons.


Grid objects header

In this section you can define how the objects in the header of the Grid will be visualized.


Other Settings

In this section you can define other settings of the application look and feel.

Logo for Reports:

In this combo you can define the image  that will be shown in reports.


Messages Style

In this section you can define the Style of the messages control.