Impact metadata

This process is generic for every feature of WorkWithPlus that needs to impact changes in the application at runtime (Security, Notifications and Subscriptions Module, and Discussions Module)

The main function of the feature is to update security permissions when running GAM. For example, if you update the Permission Prefix property of a panel, a series of processes will be executed so that the permission is available in GAM and that it is assigned to the administrator user by default.

If you use Notifications, Subscriptions, or Discussions, in addition to generating the permissions, the records in the WWP_UserExtended, WWP_Notification, WWP_Subscription, WWP_WebClient, and WWP_Discussion transactions are updated. GAM users, notifications, subscriptions, and discussions created are saved for use by the Business Component at runtime.

For example, if you added the notifications to your KB, and then, when entering a list or a record, you do not see the icons that allow you to subscribe to receive notifications, it is likely that you are missing the permissions because they were not generated by Impact Metadata, therefore, since you don't have permission to subscribe, you can't see the subscriptions icon.
