Application menu options

After a design is impacted using WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile Design System Wizard (version 7 or lower) WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile provides a mechanism for editing the application's main menu.

This is done in a straightforward and simple way. To add any Panel or WorkWithDevices object to the application's menu just modify the object's property 'Include in slide menu'.

Once this property is changed, a new set of properties will be visible that will allow the customization of the menu option.




This property allows the customization of the menu item title.


This property allows the user to define the default parameters that will be used when this menu option is called.

Parameters must be comma-separated, e.g. Parameters=True, 0, 'Parm3'

This will modify the link generated at the automatic menu's data provider:

ComponentToCall = !"sd:NewMenuOption" + !"?True, 0, 'Parm3'"

In case of requiring calculated parameters, the parameters can be escaped, and therefore, call to external objects or procedures can be added.


Parameters=True, " + ClientInformation.OSName + ", 'Parm3'

this will generate the following link in the application's data provider:

ComponentToCall = !"sd:NewMenuOption" + !"?True, " + ClientInformation.OSName + ", 'Parm3'"

Please note that the menu's options are loaded at the refresh event.


On those menu designs that allow different menu items layout, this option can be used to change the layout of the menu item.


This property allows the customization of the menu item position. When more than one item shares the same position, an arbitrary order will be used.

Visible condition

This property can be used to define conditions that must be fulfilled in order for the menu option to be visible.

e.g. User can use the condition "ClientInformation.DeviceType = SmartDeviceType.Android" to make an option only visible in Android devices.

When GAM is configured with 'Authorization', the menu automatically sets the 'Visible Condition' of the menu item to check for authorization using the Panel's 'Functionality Key'.

This means that by default, only the menu items the user has permission will be displayed.

Menu Icon type

This property allows the user to decide what kind of icon will be used in the application's menu item. 

Available options are:

  • Image
  • Font Awesome
  • Material Icons


When 'Menu Icon Type' is set to 'Image', this property becomes visible and allows the user to define the image that will be used in the menu item.

Font icon Unicode

When 'Menu Icon Type' is set to 'FontAwesome' or 'MaterialIcons', this property becomes visible and allows the user to define the 'Unicode' of the image that will be used in the menu item.

User must obtain the desired icon's Unicode from the official documentation (either Fontawesome or Material Icons):

In the case of Fontawesome, icons can be obtained in the following site:

It is important to notice that WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile uses 'Font Awesome 5 Free Solid' icons, therefore, users must filter the appropriate icons on the site.


After an icon is selected, the 'Unicode' can be found:


Then insert the 'Unicode' in the property as follows:



In the case of 'Material Icons', icons can be browsed on the following site:

And associated 'Unicodes' can be obtained here:

Create a manual menu

Although we recommend the use of our automatic application menu, the user can manually create a different one, and/or populate any created menu manually.

You can see an example of how you can use one of our Menu templates: Dynamic Menu