Toolbar features

WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile provides some tools that can be used to solve some common issues.


Android Monitor

This option helps the user open Android Monitor, which is a tool provided by the Android SDK that allows the user to see emulator and device logs.

Open Mobile folder

This option helps the user open the folder where mobile resources are being generated by GeneXus.

Resources utils

SmartDevicesPlus provides another toolbar to simplify working with .png images with different densities in GeneXus.

To access these options, the user has to right-click over any image:


Generate image for densities

This option will generate all the variants of the image for any of the de missing densities (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi)

Generate images with size

This option will generate all the variants of the image for all the densities (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi), making sure that all images measure exactly what the user inputs, in dips.

Compress image

This option will compress the image, without losing image resolution. This is done using the pngquant library