Resolve export to Excel and CSV vulnerability manually

In order to resolve the vulnerability of export to Excel and CSV manually, you need to follow the steps below:

1. Import the procedure WWP_DownloadReport from the following link


2. Set the BaseLocation property of WorkWithPlus Settings > Actions > Export and ExportCSV.

If you are generating Java, you have to set: WEB-INF/

If you are generating .Net or .Net Framework, you have to set: PrivateTempStorage/


3. Create a Global Event Block with the following properties:


The property 'Code' of the Event Block has the following value:

    &Session.Set(!'WWPExportFilePath', &Filename)
    &Session.Set(!'WWPExportFileName', !"<OBJ_NAME>Export.xlsx")
    &Filename = WWP_DownloadReport.Link()

4. Apply all WorkWithPlus instances

This can be done when saving the Event Block, that WorkWithPlus asks you whether you want to do or not:


5. If you are generating .Net or .Net Framework, make sure that the folder PrivateTempStorage inside <WebApp> folder exists.
