Add new layouts from selected WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile template (version 7 or lower)

If you have created an SD Panel based on a WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile template, anytime you can add new layouts from the WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile template in which the SD Panel is based.

The layouts created by default to the SD Panels depends on the property 'Default layouts' that you can define when importing a Theme or in the Preferences of WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile (all these is explained on Step 3 - Select the generation options ).

For example, if we have defined in the generation properties that we only want to generate 'Android, Any Size, Portrait':


And the WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile template in which the SD Panel named ProductList is based on has the following layouts:


Then, the SD Panel ProductList will be created with the following layouts:


As you can visualize, WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile created both layouts as Portrait but in the WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile template they are defined as Any Orientation (images above). This is because that is specified in the properties of Panel generations (first image in this page).

So, if you want to generate Android and Landscape for example, or you want to generate some of the other layouts available in the WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile template, you have to make right-click in the Panel object -> WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile -> Add new layouts from selected template:


And WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile will show a window in order to select which other layouts you want to generate: 


The options that are available here depend on the layouts already created for this Panel. In this case, it was selected just 'Android, Any Size, Portrait' that is why now that option is no longer available.

If you select the option 'Android, Any Size, Landscape' and press continue the layouts that were 'Portrait' now changed to 'Any Orientation' because now the options selected are Android, Portrait, and Landscape and the layouts created in the selected WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile template are both Any Orientation (for Portrait and Landscape).


Also, you have the following actions available within an Panel based on a WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile template: